About Us
After working in healthcare + education sectors over many years, we could not help but feel that being in 'good health' is something not easily attainable for many in our current environment. With children, we were beginning to see more + more evidence of allergies + skin aliments than ever before.
Our environment is becoming increasingly taxed with chemicals + synthetic replica's. It has become normal to farm in a way that produce pest resistant crops. Organic practice farming is the way nature intended our food + skincare to be. What we put in our bodies is our 'fuel or food'. What we put on our skin, should be viewed as skin 'food' also. What is considered ‘normal’ + safe on shelves, is causing more reactions + complications than ever before.
Synthetic + chemically modified versions of plant + mineral based formulas are inexpensive to produce. We have become a world of quantity + of mass produced items.
We need to change our ‘normal’ in order to protect our children + their future world.
We are formulating pure organic alternatives to restore our largest organ, the skin. To give ourselves + our families the best skincare offerings that nature has to offer.
Sano + Humano translates to ‘Healthy + Human’ . Sano + Humano will forever be formulas based on passion projects. Formulas built on fulfilling the need of restoring loved ones with skin conditions.
Small quality controlled batches with a commitment to ongoing research + development to produce high quality concentrated formulas. Providing people with the choice of value for money, rich and nutrient dense organic skincare products.
Nestled in Havelock North, New Zealand – we thrive, as the weather is wonderful and like minded-people talk, exchange and surround ourselves with organics.
Quality over quantity. Heal their skin. Heal their world.
The Sano + Humano Team, NZ
Believers in providing people with options to return to 'Sano + Humano '(Healthy + Human)